GHFP research focuses on investigating key areas of human concern. The priority of our research is to identify good questions that can lead to changes in people’s perceptions and practices. We collaborate with others to think the yet-to-be-thought. Our research-team is made up of researchers from different disciplines, as well as visiting fellows, research associates and research assistants.

Our vision regards peace as the highest virtue such that the flourishing of all humanity, life and our planet is an explicit expression of positive peace. We seek a compelling definition of peace in its holistic dimensions: intrapersonal, interpersonal, spiritual, socioeconomic, political, national, international and global, and as the fruit of values-based governance and ethical ways of being.

Another element of our research is dialogue as key to mutual understanding. We explore what constitutes Deep Dialogue, theories and methodologies, and practical implementation of dialogue in different fields. We have particular interest in how spirituality and religion may enhance our understanding of each other through dialogue, thereby having an impact on contemporary human life.

Our research in the domain of human-centred education investigates questions that can serve as a basis for conversations about the aims of education, the nature of learning and ways to develop learning-communities. We explore approaches to education that can nurture humane qualities and individual well-being and look at how human-centred education may foster peace, harmony and transformation in our societies.

We further explore positive opportunities for well-being and flourishing. It distinguishes between the true picture of the situation and views that are distorted by ideology and self-interest. Our work aims to discover areas where new concepts or approaches might be needed, and where stakeholders and players make important unstated assumptions, such that development can be based on respect for dignity, identity, nature.